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Impact of Collaborative Teaching on K-12 Mathematics and Science Learning


"A national effort is underway to transform teacher education program practices and produce effective and highly qualified teachers for 21st century classrooms. This effort prescribes providing preservice teachers (PSTs) with authentic field-based experiences that connects what is taught in teacher preparation programs with what they do in the K-12 classroom. Bridging the gap between theory and practice requires that teacher education programs collaborate with schools districts, redesigning teacher training to better serve prospective teachers and their students (NCATE, 2010). This paper describes a mixed-methods study examining the impact of a STEM site-based professional development program (TEX) on the math and science content knowledge, self-efficacy, and interest in STEM of 4-8 students as well as the self-efficacy and STEM interest in preservice and inservice teachers. The researchers found the TEX program's collaborative model of team planning, teaching, and evaluating have led to increased student achievement and better prepared beginning teachers."